Guthrie School
Guthrie School and Alberta Centre for Trapping and Bushcraft- Partner up for Sustainability and Connecting students to the land Project.
Kudos to the Staff and Leadership of Guthrie School at CFB Edmonton. After a Professional Development session with school staff on Bushcraft, connecting to Nature, and ecosystem management in June the staff really committed to taking students outside and making time for learning outside.
The school students and staff took it upon themselves to find a little patch of forest at the edge of their field and carve out a little rustic outdoor classroom in the forest. Proof it does not have to be expensive or complicated if you want to bring the outdoors (land-based sustainability) to learning.
Kudos to Guthrie school staff for committing to building a deeper understanding of conservation. The Alberta Centre for Trapping and Bushcraft will continue to support the staff and students at Guthrie School in this Project.
For more information and how you can bring this to your school contact Perry Kulmatyski at the Alberta Trappers association 780 349 6626.